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Tuesday 25 January 2011

Story 3: Loyalty

Jok is a wannabe singer. Pok is an ex murderer. Jok and Pok seems like they walk different path and may not become frens but fate brought them together.
Jok was singing on the street to earn money when some gangsters walked to him n attack him. Jok was too weak to fight back n could only be bashed up. Pok who just came out of prison saw this and went to bash the gangsters up. Jok was saved by Pok n they became best friends. Pok decided to start working to make up for his mistakes in the past. he wrked in a noodle shop. the boss of the shop could only be described with vulgars and he was hated by a lot of ppl in town. however, Pok could only wrk there as the boss was the only one hu want to hire him. at the same time, Jok joined a company and the company promised him to make him a global singer. Jok wanted to tell Pok the gd news so he went to noodle shop. however, Pok was out as he went to buy ingredients. the shop has no customers n Jok looked around the shop. he go near a door and heard:
"that pig, let's kill it."
"what if we get caught?somebody's sure to noe tat the pig is missing."
"nvm la, use Pok's knife la. if anybody see the pig dead, they will tink Pok killed it."
"ok, den lets kill the pig tmr."
Jok heard the door knob turned and quickly ran to the furthest table and sat down.
"hu r u?" a fat guy asked.
"customer." Jok replied.
"we r out of stock, come back ltr"a short guy said.
so, Jok walked out of the shop. the conversation keeps on echoing in his head but he only tinks tat they r trying to kill a pig using Pok's knife. it does not seems to be a big prob so he did not try to tell Pok.
the next day, it was Jok's first showcase. reporters at the showcase was toking:
"Heard tat? pig is finally dead."
"seems lime Pok killed it. its nothing strange, he is a murderer anyway. killing pig must be something easy."
"he shld just control his anger instead of killing pig, he will go to jail again. i heard its only days since he got out."
when Jok heard the go jail part, he was shocked. Why killing a pig oso need go jail?
he asked the reporters,"why Pok need go jail? he only killed a pig! if he has to go jail, then those sell pork de oso nid la!"
"Pork?hahaha, Pig is not a "pig"! Pig is a name la, he is a person!"
Jok was shocked. he remembered the conversation yesterday and was more shocked.
"he is an ex, no witness somemore,the police did not even care to check the murder weapon. heard tat he will be beheaded at 3.50pm."
"wat??!! serious?!! now alrdy 3.20pm!!"Jok looked at his watch. The showcase starts at 3.30pm and ends at 5.30pm. by tat time, Pok would be long dead.
he made a decision. this showcase is important to him, but Pok, his friend is more important. if not for him, he might die in the gangsters' hands n he would not be standing here w8ting for the showcase to start.
he ran to the police station, it was 3.48pm when he saw Pok being brought to a room. Jok shouted,"I has proof tat Pok is not the murderer!"
Pok was surprised to see Jok.
"i heard 2 ppl toking to plan to kill Pig yesterday at the noodle shop. i saw the name tags. Mak and Gak. i heard tat u all did not examine the knife for finger prints. well Mak and Gak might tink so too so they may not be wearing gloves when they killed Pig. so, their fingerprints must be on the knife."
the police quickly examine the knife and found out tat besides Jok's fingerprints, there is another unknown fingerprints. they arrested Gak n Mak and found out tat it was Mak's fingerprints. but Gak is oso involved in this so he was oso jailed wif Mak. by the time the case ended, the showcase was over.
Jok's manager called n say he is fired and he wont be working together with the company again.
Jok dun care and say,
" I may be a stupid guy, but i definitely noe tat there is something called loyalty. and it is more impt than being a global singer."
and so, Pok opened a shop of his own selling pork and Jok worked in his shop as a full time singer, promoting his talents at the same time attracting crowds to eat pork n listen to songs.

the end:)