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Friday 4 September 2009

Continuing from the fighting moves, i have found a few ways to fight from my exp of watching dramas. the elbow is very important. it may not have as much force as a palm or fist or leg, but if u noe how to use your elbow, it could help u be it in attacking or defending. Example. your hands full trying to block but your opponent's attacking hand is come n all is left is your elbow. with a solid push down, the attack could be stop. or when someone is at the back, trying to attack from behind which is kind of low cause hitting from behind is never a righteous thing to do, n with the force of your elbow, u could hit your oppt till he move two steps back or u r strong enough the person might not be standing. Then, is the punch. When i fight, i dun aim for a critical hit. i believe tat every punch tat hits, hurt. therefore, i dun care my strength of the punch. i punch the place where its open n free n no hands to protect it. it doesn't matter how hard your fist land, it only matters whether your fist lands. fighting r not like martial arts. u have gt to have your natural instinct to fite. martial arts depends on instincts too but the moves r well planned unlike fighting which is using moves which will benefit u at tat time. To have a natural instinct, especially if u dun have one, is easy. if u kip on doing dodging moves or fighting moves, when u r attacked, u will just naturally use it. some ppl, dunnid practise, also can. but for some other ppl, they could only blink their eye n in real fite, the punch wont stop but will just directly box u. if ppl fite u wif weapons, it is so dangerous n i dunno how to fite back cause i nvr experience it b4. from the tv shows, i dunno whether its reliable or not cause as i said is tv show, not real life. but frm the way i c it, when one uses a knife, the hand action will be big. swiping across, and it takes a long time b4 the knife is returned to the original position for defending. n when the opp swipes his knife, the hand holding is free. punch the hand or hold it, if your hand is strong, u could twist the wrist to make the knife drop or just find a open space to hit so tat the opp will release the knife due to pain. den when the knife is dropped, kiking it away immediately is crucila as he may find a chance to get hold of it n start attacking again. den when the knife is down, avoid all attacks n punch when theres a chance to. if the opp is bigger size den u, u gt to pin him down the fround, twisting his hand and locking the legs so he cant move at all. if same size as u just box til the opp cant move anymore, but no killing la. not teaching u to kill. if its a gun, normal ppl cant escape form a gun. unless u r real fast n strong tat u could get hold of the gun n use it against the gun wielder who is oftenly those ancient china martial artists hu noes kung fu n r kung fu masters.its not impossible to avoid a gun shot, but it nids speed. if u have a spear, it would be great only if u have great accuracy n great power. And as for the kicks, if u r one hu dun have a sense of balancing, dun kik your leg above knee level. use your leg mainly for defense purpose.
拳来手顶 腿来脚挡
the eight words is the simplest form of fighting.

Your Superior Boss,
Sam Witch


Greetings, fellow members. Boss speaking. Writing, literally.
I nid to say on one thing. How the members r so lousy at fighting. I could easily fite all the members if they just charge at me. And believe me, not only can i defeat u all easily, i think tat even ah pek ah mah hu practise taichi can also beat u up into injured human. Therefore, let me generously teach u how to fite. I first time teach ppl leh. So ar, mus learn properly. I dun teach ppl how to fite de but to let the art of fighting to be known to all the world, i hereby, teach u all HOW TO FIGHT!!!!!

This is important. really important. Fighting, nids the skill of endurance. enduring the pain n suffering. meaning, ppl hit u, pls la, the eyes can dun water? u mus turn the pain into anger n into power. but i dun tink u all noe how to have endurance la. basic footings is crucial in all battles. ur foot have to be like a root stuck on the ground, have a firm stand n find your centre of gravity n dun be easily pushed back. in a battle, retreat is not allowed, unless u r dying. if not, moving forward is the only way out. your footing let u have a upperhand in all fight. footing could be practised by always doing stances for 45 or more mins. depend on your body. knee, 45 deg bent, back straight stay tat way. could also move your hand forward or carry long objects by its end n balance it to train hand muscles.

footing part is quite simple. now, the real fighting part. punch n kicks r the most powerful moves. when one releases a punch, the punch must be full of power. as i said, having a firm stand is important. so when u kik, u have to be fast n swift making sure tat the opponent cant react til u kik him. if not, your kik will become the key to ur loss. n punches too. u nid to swift. in a battle, everything is swift. u cant expect eveything to go one by one. when u r attacking, u also nid to care about your defence, making sure tat u get the advantage n u dun have the disadvantage. punches nid to practise in order to have full strength. only way is to punch something. punching the air helps a bit but if there is something to be punched, it would be better. example, i punch ppl. n sometimes, i could also punch the bed. no nid punch hard stuff. as time passes, ur fists will feel like they have become stronger. n the leg. first of all, b4 kiking, stretching ur leg is important or next day u cant walk.

u have gt to kik ur leg alot of time. starting from little force to full force. adapted to the force, u will noe wat type of force to exert when u fite(unless u r so stupid u dunno anything den too bad la, blame ur stupidity)

Above r all training. when it comes to real battle, training r just a reminder n a helper.
i m facing one on one. i prefer moving around. with hands ready to attack, i move in circles, thinking about how the opp goin to strike their first move. but some ppl, dey r just fast. so, its gd to have natural instinct, TO BLOCK (one member, only noe how to wink. by tat time i tink she gt panda eyes) however, at the same time, fighting back is also important. accept all attacks n at the same time return all attacks. too long le. i next time den c i free den write more la.

Your Superior Boss
Sam- Witch